
Lyft is back in Austin!
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 Lyft in Austin, Texas!

 Jay gave you $20 towards your first Lyft ride!

How Lyft Works

  • EASY

    Request rides any hour of day. Just tap a button for pickup. The app auto-locates you and lets you track your driver's route and ETA.

    Get around town for less, and never worry about carrying cash again. Passenger payment to drivers is processed entirely through the app.

    Our drivers are florists, firefighters, engineers - and the friendliest people you'll meet all day. Here, we're a community.

Also @AskLyft can help you!


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 Visit my RIDESHARING Flipboard Magazine


Here are some tools that I use to make my driver experience better!

Maximize your #RideShareing earnings today via @SherpaShare 

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Built for independent contractors. Maximize your earnings today. Supports Lyft, Uber, Sidecar, Postmates, and DoorDash drivers. Get it at www.sherpashare.com


 Order them at www.moo.com with my code!
I order them from MOO.COM (don’t be too jealous)! Get 10% off your first order: http://www.moo.com/share/jk9xxx via @MOO #moo.com


Get New Referral Cards

If you’re in a market with a referral program, you can order personalized referral cards without opening your wallet! Lyft can subtract the cards’ cost from your direct deposit.

What's next?
  • 1. Place your referral card order HERE. (Want a new code? Head to your Referrals Portal to create a custom code.
  • 2. Expect your order to arrive in 8-12 days.
  • 3. Spread the word! Ask first-time passengers to enter your code before requesting a ride. You’ll get $10, and they’ll get $20 toward their first ride.

Visit our Vistaprint page for more ordering options.


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I love driving smarter & safer with . Get 20% off your with my special link!

 Get Automatic Pro!



SXSW advice for new drivers from a veteran driver.

1. Be patient! Be patient with traffic and be patient in your driving habits. This will keep you and your passengers SAFE, save wear and tear on your car and save you from a lot of headaches in the long run. If you have road rage, you better get over it now. Don't try to speed through downtown. It's impossible. Stay off the brakes as much as you can. Be patient with your passengers. Give them some time to get to you. They will appreciate your patience and give you a good rating and/or tip.

2. Save the number on your phone from which you send and receive calls from your Lyft passengers. That way you can send and receive text messages from them. If you are in an area where it's very busy or there is heavy traffic, like downtown, text your passenger ahead of time to confirm their location and to arrange a more accessible place to pick them up if necessary. They will appreciate you for it! Quite often you will get requests from areas like 6th street that are closed to traffic.

3. Watch out for pedestrians and cyclists downtown. There will be hundreds of thousands of people walking the streets of Austin. There will be hundreds more bikes than usual downtown. Most of the time pedestrians will cross the street whether they have the right-of-way or not. Bicycles will also break the law and dart out in front of you. Don't get angry. Just be patient and go with the flow. There's nothing you can do about it so just keep smiling.

4. Familiarize yourself with all the road closures and alternate routes around the downtown core. 

5. Do not park in taxi zones. We are not taxis. You can receive a citation from police or Austin Ground Transportation officers.

6. Get plenty of sleep and eat well. This will help you be alert for safe driving and keep you in a good mood for your customers.

7. Keep some of the following items in your car: tiny water bottles, Kleenex, paper towels, unscented baby wipes, cough drops, breath mints, gum, candy, ear plugs, USB cords for various phones especially iPhone and Samsung, a copy of the latest Austin Chronicle and vomit bags or leak proof bags of some kind.

8. Obviously keep your car spotless and clutter-free! Carry some Febreeze or even some nice perfume to spritz inside the car. Just a little bit, though. Some passengers may be highly sensitive to fragrances.

9. Keep in mind that even though downtown Austin will be the busiest part of town, people in the outlying neighborhoods will still need rides as well. People still need to go to work or go about their daily lives and they count on us for it. We can't forget the fact that we have to take care of our local people as well as visitors. Also about a third of the visitors in town for SXSW will be staying in private homes in all parts of the city through Air B&B or Homeaway. Those people need to get to and from downtown as well. The entire city will be busy!

10. It is against the law in Austin to drive any vehicle (including bikes) while texting or talking on a phone or using any other handheld electronic device unless you are using a hands free device like Bluetooth or speakerphone. Set your navigation before you start moving. Don't hit "arrived" until you have stopped moving. http://www.austintexas.gov/handsfree

11. Keep a positive attitude and if things get rough or if you make mistakes, just laugh and move on. It's a crazy, wild time in Austin. The craziest time of year. But it's also the most lucrative time of year for people doing what we do so keep smiling, keep joking and be friendly. You're going to meet people from all over the world and it's going to be a lot of fun!

Written by:
via Facebook · Austin, TX


To celebrate Lyft Austin’s one year anniversary, drivers rallied together, partnering with Pease Park Conservancy, to repair flood damages, clean up debris, and help repave trails throughout the park. Read more on the Lyft Blog: http://blog.lyft.com/posts/2015/6/11/lyft-for-good-austin — with Marcus SimmonsGio Va,Liz Standley GrimsleyYara Qattom and Debbie Lynn Wood at Pease Park.



Last Updated: Aug 18, 2015 04:32PM PDT







Learn2 Lyft

Check out this awesome website put together by my friend/fellow Lyft mentor & driver, Andrew (@Lyft_Daddy)

Click this link or image below to visit his site: http://learn2lyft.weebly.com/


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