This Summer, the Bud Light Summer Live Series is hosting three monthly events in Austin, Texas. This three-part concert series will feature headlining bands and openers, local food trucks, music-focused non-profit partners, and of course cold Bud Lights for all of our guests. Summer Live Series is a 21+ event and is being held at The Austin American Statesman Warehouse (305 South Congress Ave.). When https:// summerliveseries goes live for event 3, make sure you are one of the first 2,000 people to reserve your free tickets. The August Bud Light Summer Live Series show will take place August 17, 2017 from 5-11 PM. For the final event, Bud Light is bringing Houndmouth and Band of Heathens to the main stage. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Austin Creative Alliance. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy a welcome happy hour that includes local food trucks Garbo’s Lobster, and Shawarma Point. You can also take part in the outrageous armadillo races and jam